“I’m passionate about feeling good and helping others around me feel good too.” ~ ER

About My Writing
THE PROCESS: For me, writing is a side-effect. It’s something I do to relax, to uplift myself, to solidify a thought a belief or a feeling that I want to experience more often. It’s not something I plan to sit down and do, in fact, doing that tends to make it a chore and takes the ease and fun out of it all, so I wait until it’s inspired.
“When I focus on a task, I give it my heart and soul.” ~ ER
When words start flowing freely, I just have to write them down. It can happen at any time, but always when I’m feeling high and focused on something interesting, something liberating, or something completely different to what I normally focus on. It makes me laugh thinking about it because sometimes it happens in the middle of the night, in the middle of meditating, and once it happened in the middle of a date 😉
Lately I’ve been writing and compiling books and creating stuff on a maximum four hours of sleep (sometimes as little as only 30 minutes). You’ll often find me still working when the sun rises, but I’m so in the flow that I don’t want to stop. It’s fast-paced, yet I feel completely at ease, in love, and filled with grace. Then eventually, the energy shifts—I relax, slow down, spend more time in nature, and catch up on that much-needed sleep
WHAT I WANT FOR YOU: I’m not someone who professes that my words hold the answers for you. I know the best answers come from listening to your own guidance and that’s what I want to encourage you most of all to do; to get closer in touch with the Source of your innate wisdom.
What I Know
But what I do know, is that I hold a slightly different perspective to mainstream and at the very least, what you read will make you question some of your own limiting behaviours, attitudes, and beliefs, and allow them to be further strengthened or gently modified in whatever ways serve you the most.
“Life is supposed to be easy and joy-filled and fun!” ~ ER
And here is a bit about what I’ve done, what I’ve been trained to do and how I earn the right to be standing here in front of you.
MY BACKGROUND: Over the years I’ve worked as a Professional Counsellor, trained to facilitate Group Therapy Workshops, attended many seminars by Robert Kiyosaki (author of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’), studied Strategic Intervention with Anthony Robbins (world renowned motivational speaker and author) and Cloé Madanes (a contemporary psychotherapist who specializes in minimizing interpersonal conflict), and I am a certified Conscious Breathing Practitioner (Australian Institute Of Rebirthing).
MY MISSION: To bring people into closer alignment with their own Source Energy in uplifting, progressive and fun ways, while empowering them to build life-enhancing habits through entertainment (that’s mostly why I write), education (teaching you to follow your own guidance, not mine) and personal development.

Where I've Come From
MY HISTORY: I studied extensively after I left college in 1978, always eager to try new industries, training programs, hobbies and business ideas. Permaculture Gardening, Clothing Boutique Proprietor, Catwalk and Television Model, Professional Photographer, Property Developing, Web Design, Business Studies, Powerful Presentations, and Rabbit Breeding just to name a few.
When I got my first computer in 2007, I found my calling and the internet became my home. I adore building websites, taking photos, making videos, writing, and encouraging people to live happier, more joy-filled lives most of all.
MY PHILOSOPHY: You see, I believe that emotions and vibration are at the core of health, wealth, happiness, and success. When your vibration is high and you feel good, everything flows effortlessly; but when your inner world is unsettled, facing challenges in the outer world becomes significantly more difficult.
As the author, or co-author of over 15 Feel Good books, I have managed to seamlessly blend personal fulfillment into every aspect of my work. My life and business philosophies are deeply inspired by the teachings of Abraham-Hicks™.
“These days I thoroughly enjoy my freedom to contribute where I feel most valued and inspired. My passion for living, loving, and laughing, remains at the forefront of my focus.” ~ ER xox
Helping Me Grow – Happy With Who I Am
I am here to thank you for all the wonderful things you write and how you have helped me grow mentally to a better level … a level where I could not imagine myself some time ago … I am happy with who I am. Your words are immensely inspiring AND practical in today’s world, with lives intertwined and relationships complicated. everyone could easily relate to them and feel an instant connection with you … as I did

Hina V Chaudhary
(500 CONFESSIONS BOOK 1)Food For The Soul – Enabled Me To Create More Powerfully
Elizabeth – I wanted to share that many of your tips have been food for my soul. They’ve added to my Life and enabled me to create more powerfully as I’m on my next adventure forward. It is Amazing – Life is Easy and Gives me what I BElieve and Expect.

Dawn Schale
(TIPS TO MAKE LIFE EASIER)Instilling Hope – Faith – Optimism – Good Feelings
I have just finished studying your confessions. They are instilling hope, expectation, faith, optimism and above all an attitude of ‘Feeling Good’ in all situations of life. I’ve been reading books from Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Abraham Hicks and Shakti Gawain. Your confessions are the essence of their philosophies. They are molding us to love our self. Thanks for your confessions. You know, your confessions are going to be my affirmations.

Shaukat Charania
(500 CONFESSIONS BOOK 1)Funny – Expressive – Sexy – Controversial – Inspirational
To read books is one of life’s greatest gifts, and as a personal development tool there are no limits to the amount of information, value and growth you can obtain from other people’s lives knowledge and experience. I’m reading an excellent book from a woman I met on my recent Fiji Island cruise and it’s funny, expressive, sexy, controversial and highly inspirational. Elizabeth, your book 500 confessions has inspired me beyond belief, and I’ve not even read it all yet.

Loraine Denison
(500 CONFESSIONS BOOK 2)Gratifying Results – Positive – Transformational
I downloaded “Leading Myself Into The Light” and have read it every day; morning and evening for a month. The results have been most gratifying. I am focussing more on what feels good to me and less about what others think. By reading it every day, the message begins to get into your system and small changes start to happen. This little book can transform your life and your world.

Francis Loughheed
(LEADING MYSELF INTO THE LIGHT)Empowering – Enriching – Positive – Focusing
Elizabeth, every positive word you share is music to the soul and resonates such positive awesome energy and focus for the mind. Feels so good to absorb and find such gems to upload and stay in alignment with happiness. It’s a really nice pure flow of good stuff. Keeping it real. Thanks for the empowerment and the enrichment.